Jess Bills

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Jessica has been in over seventeen performances with Theatre Adventure.  Her favorites so far have been 2015’s Courageous because she loved the music, and 2018’s Twelfth Night. Jess loved her fairy costume in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night performance, wearing wings, the beautiful curls our volunteer hairstylist put in her hair, and flitting around the stage with fellow actors Erin and April.

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Jess’ favorite things about being a Theatre Adventure Troupe member are being in so many different plays, especially musicals when she has a chance to sing. 

Jess is currently a member of our Mentor Program for the Wednesday Troupe.  She is learning that her opinion matters and that she has the ability to teach others. From this she is gaining tremendous self-confidence.  Jess’ warm kindness, welcoming greetings and hugs each morning of class along with the pride she takes in her acting and mentoring abilities all make her a valued member of both Theatre Adventure Troupes. 

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Jess’ Aunt Sandy shared that when Jess’ mother passed away, joining Theatre Adventure was a wonderful way to find a positive focus where she could experience independentce as well as feel special and valued.  She has always loved to sing and dance, and loves the attention she gets while on stage! 

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At home Jess loves to help in the kitchen, especially baking. She is enjoying tasting and learning about Caribbean food that her Jamaican home provider prepares.  Jess has worked at the Cheese Counter of the Brattleboro Food Coop for over eighteen years and is quite a cheese connoisseur! She is both a Taylor Swift and Celine Dion fan, and went to a Taylor Swift Concert a few years ago. Jess likes watching Disney and dance movies.

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She loves taking walks with her Aunt Sandy, and adores her nieces and nephews. She loves being an Aunt herself! Jess has a great memory. She remembers everybody’s birthday and never forgets.

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