Friendship: An Invitation to Connect
What a wonderfully exhilarating time we are having experiencing the ins and outs of our new hybrid theater. We are learning how to integrate both in-person and online actors in an experimental theater setting. Students and teachers alike are brimming over with the buzz and head spinning.
Actor’s silhouettes behind a shadow screen reaching out to hold hands during rehearsal.
We are fortunate to have a skillful and talented team. Lori is crafting glorious costuming, Sher is creating sumptuous soundscapes, Maria is managing mountains of technical design, Rich has written fabulous friendship inspired songs, Darlene is guiding the online actors with their beautiful paintings and drawings, Leslie is designing poetic student-inspired slide shows, Laura Howe is gently facilitating actors connecting with one another, and Rachel is artistically inspiring movement and acting.
In-person and online Actors connecting with hands outstretched.
Our actors are expressing their artistry with spunk, passion, and courage----from our online and in-person environments----in our hybrid theater.
We are discovering new forms of self-expression, several of which we are utilizing for our upcoming show, Friendship: An Invitation to Connect. Our rolling cart with the monitor featuring our online actors will move, turn, and be interactive as a means to bring human qualities from the monitor to our production. A few in-person actors will share in a living room style conversation with actors who are online.
We are having a great time forging ahead in a new frontier knowing we are creating experimental theater that knows no limits and boundaries!
Please join us and share in our mind-bending new forms of artistic expression. You will be supporting theater that holds up its actors as the great pioneers and artists they are!
The show will be in-person with limited seating at the West Village Meeting House and streamed live online for remote viewers.