We invite you to help us with our fundraising campaign to purchase the technology and equipment needed to launch our new hybrid online and in-person programming model this coming fall.
A community of learners stirs imaginations and incites brave theater. This is just what has happened for us as a result of being online for the past year and a half throughout the pandemic. We have learned that there are benefits to online programming that we would like to integrate with our in-person curriculum.
Watch our 3-minute Fundraising Video!
We will continue to stay true to the values of our seventeen years of high quality student driven work.
We believe all of our students will be enriched with this new hybrid model of programming. We will be able to reach more aspiring artists with disabilities as well as invite guest artists from the larger community. We will have the opportunity to collaborate with new organizations and schools beyond southern Vermont. No longer will transportation, inclement weather, and living far away present barriers to participation.
Please make a donation and help us spread the word by sharing our GiveLively campaign page with your community of friends and colleagues.
An interactive Zoom monitor for integrating on-line and in-person participation.
We envision a large monitor on a cart with wheels in order to integrate our remote students with our in-person students, both during classes and while live streaming our shows.
With your help we will spread our wings digitally and reach new levels of accessibility and inclusion!
Tarish Pipkins leads a puppetry movement warm-up. Students mimic his movements in their Zoom windows.