Katharine Breunig

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Katharine has been learning and performing with Theatre Adventure beginning in 2006. Prior to Theatre Adventure her first theater experience was performing as “the Doctor” in a Mummers play (traditional street theater) when she was eight years old. 

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Her favorite Theatre Adventure shows so far have been 2012’s Stagestruck and 2019’s Raising Our Voices Together. She especially loved playing The Wicked Witch in 2007 because it reminded her of her mom who always was the Wicked Witch in the annual women’s Mummers play.

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Another favorite role was playing Celine Dion in 2014’s Flights of Fancy because it is her dream to go to Hollywood and meet Celine someday as well as see her perform.

Katharine’s favorite things about Theatre Adventure are seeing her friends, connecting with them and working on projects together, and having great memories of Ashley, Liz, and Toonie who were dear friends in theater class but have all passed away. 

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Katharine was one of the first Mentors in our Mentor Program in 2006. She is a strong performer with amazing self-confidence and stage presence. 

When Katharine is not busy with theater she takes part in Special Olympic sports (basketball and swimming), enjoys reading, playing the piano at church, and performing on the piano at the River Garden. 

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She began playing the piano when she was eight and is extremely accomplished. Katharine has also been a dedicated part time employee at Market 32 since 2006.

Katharine playing piano on a Casio keyboard while her friend Susan leans in to watch her.

Katharine shares her character development work with troupe members.

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Katharine Breunig’s roles in Theatre Adventure Productions from 2005 – Present


Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Peoples' Ears - Mentor


Stone Soup

How the Elephant Got Its Trunk


Snow White - Dwarf

The Best of Peter Pan - Peter Pan

Three Billy Goats Gruff - Anthony’s Mentor


The Lion King - Sarabi


The Best of Mary Poppins - Mrs. Banks


Peter Pan - Lost Boy


Imagine That: Our Stories Take Flight! - Wicked Witch


Stagestruck! - Baker/Calamity Jane

Summer Seminar on the Silver Screen (film) - Summer 12   

Putting On Our Finery Enchantment - Prince


Enchantment: An Original Tale - Ludwig Von Beethoven

Extravaganza Happening! Ocean

Finery/Fashion Show: Flights of Fancy - Celine Dion


Flights of Flight of Fancy - Celine Dion

Finery/Fashion Show: Courageous!  - Bridgit The Healer


Courageous! - Bridgit The Healer

Putting On Our Finery: Stagestruck!  - Piano Teacher


Stagestruck! - Piano Teacher/Friar Lawrence

Putting On Our Finery: Midsummer Night’s Dream - Hermia


Midsummer Night’s Dream - Hermia

Putting On Our Finery: 12th Night - Sir Toby


12th Night - Sir Toby

Putting On Our Finery: Raising Our Voices Together - Self


Raising Our Voices Together! - Self

Putting On Our Finery: Resilient - Self